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标题: [其它] 法国著名色情影片:Lolita Connection [打印本页]

作者: jinsongluo    时间: 2008-5-21 11:30     标题: 法国著名色情影片:Lolita Connection

【影片名称】:Lolita Connection
【影片大小】: 658MB
【影片格式】: avi
【上传空间】:rapidshare  共7个包

[Manager] Mario Salieri
[Actors] Katsumi , Maja Gold , Eva Simón , Mandy bright , Alexia May , Hasnube Rouge , Uma , Adriana Laurenti , Anita Dergy , Kitty Saviec Katsumi, Maja Gold, Eva Simon, Mandy bright, Alexia May, Hasnube Rouge, Uma, Adriana Laurenti, Anita Dergy, Kitty Saviec
[Synopsis] In a world without pity, where corruption walk at your leisure, and in which everything can be bought, youth, beauty and innocence are no exception. El corrupto doctor Pietro tiene en su poder una cinta con imágenes de colegialas saliendo de clase. The corrupt Dr. Pietro is in possession of a tape with images of schoolgirls emerging from class. Sin embargo, estas muchachas no son colegialas comunes. However, these girls are not schoolgirls. Por un precio razonable aceptarán poner su belleza y juventud al servicio del placer de cualquier cliente. For a reasonable price acceptable to put her beauty and youth to serve the pleasure of any client.

[ 本帖最后由 jinsongluo 于 2008-5-22 10:47 编辑 ]
作者: QQ7110    时间: 2008-5-21 20:16

作者: achi3318    时间: 2008-7-23 10:24


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