首先,来自北京医学科学院的医生们发表了一篇名为“Long term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and incidence of stroke: prospective cohort study from the China-PAR project.”的文章,通过前瞻性队列研究揭示了中国人群长期暴露于环境细颗粒物与中风发病率之间的相关性1。
另外,来自华中科技大学同济医院的医生们发表了名为“Association between ambient fine particulate pollution and hospital admissions for cause specific cardiovascular disease: time series study in 184 major Chinese cities.”的文章,探讨了中国境内184个主要城市中人群接触高浓度PM2.5与心血管疾病住院事件之间的关系2。
1. Huang K et al. Long term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and incidence of stroke: prospective cohort study from the China-PAR project. BMJ. 2019 Dec 30;367:l6720.
2. Tian Y et al. Association between ambient fine particulate pollution and hospital admissions for cause specific cardiovascular disease: time series study in 184 major Chinese cities. BMJ. 2019 Dec 30;367:l6572. 作者: 奸人坚 时间: 2020-4-8 22:35